Why abstract art? I have been asked this question numerous times and until recently I didn’t know how to answer. I have spent time reflecting on what draws me into abstract art and I think I have mostly figured it out….
As a young teen the freedom that abstract art offered was magnetic. Both creating and viewing abstract art offers a world of expanse that, for me, just doesn’t exist in representative art. The fact that each person can interpret the same piece in a totally different way is intriguing. The viewer is not given or directly told the subject matter, ie; here is a mountain, here is a person's face. The viewer's interpretation is unrestrained by traditional form and entirely their own.
This leads me directly to the main reason why I have always loved working within abstract art. There is no box I had to stay inside of, it felt as though there was an absence of failure, I could colour outside the lines, so to speak, and that was even encouraged. Working within non-representational abstract art gave me the feeling of being unrestricted, which was a breath of fresh air for me. Being a very hyper ADHD child, I felt a constant obligation to control, subdue and bridle my energy and my true self. I did this to conform to the expectations of others and avoid annoying or upsetting those around me. However, within abstract art I could completely express myself, my full energy, and my unique ideas. Within the environment of abstract art my divergent thinking and energy led to success rather than disappointment from others. It was exceptionally affirming to have a true part of me accepted and praised by people I respected and wanted to connect with.

This may not be specific to abstract art, and I am absolutely certain it is not specific to me, but when I am being creative my mind empties and I can be 100% present. It's the only time my busy overactive and overstimulated brain has silence and peace. I feel the most grounded, sure of who I am and what my purpose is when I am in my studio creating.
I believe that if I had to define why I love abstract art in a single word, it would be liberation. Abstract art affords me the freedom to unmask and step outside of societal imposed boundaries and fully express myself through my creativity. The freedom abstract art grants me fills my soul, grounds me, and allows me to communicate authentically with the world, how could I not be drawn to it over and over again!